
Tuesday 31 March 2020

C25K for writers

I've been running for over a year now using C25K (couch to 5km) app to motivate and encourage me. The first week I used it, it told me to run/walk three times a week, with more walking and less running. It beeped at me to change from one to the other. During the following 8 weeks, the app told me to progressively run more and walk less until, by the end of the program, I was able to run the entire 30 minutes. I have graduated now to the next app, the C2 10K and have developed the habit of getting out and doing my run every second day. 

I am also using another app to motivate me. It is called Strava and it maps my route as well as gives me the distance I've covered, my pace and the time I've been training. I can post photos and there is an online community of people who can give me kudos. There are milestones I can sign up for and achievements for which I get a virtual medal.
Together with Spotify for music, I am all set. 
I feel lost if I am not able to run due to weather or some other factor. I have developed a healthy habit.

I want the same thing for my writing. I want an app that reminds me to write for 30 minutes every day, with breaks after 10 minutes of work, increasing my goal each week. I want an app that will track my word count and a community that gives me kudos for each page, scene, chapter I finish. I want assistance in developing the habit of writing and editing
I use Scribner to organize my manuscripts and there is a project as well as session target function that I can set up but that's not enough to get me into the habit of sitting down for a set time to write. I want a C25K/Strava combination for writers.

I have now set up a reminder on my calendar to work on one small part of the book each day: a specific, achievable goal and then set the timer for 10 minutes. At the moment, 10 minutes is all I can do, but plan on increasing it every week. I've approached a friend who is also a writer and with whom I hope to exchange our successes of words written and editing done. This plan has worked, but I prefer the verbal cues of the C25K rather than the beeps. So, I've recorded a similar voice message with encouragements and reminders and count down.

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