
Friday 20 March 2020

Coronavirus benefits the planet.

The year 2020 will be known for the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic throughout the world. It was discovered first in China and then spread to Europe, the Middle East, and North America, soon followed by the rest of the planet.
Perhaps it is Mother Nature's attempt to save herself from human exploitation and damage. Already, by mid-March, pollution has decreased, especially in China. The water in the canals of Venice is crystal clear. Flights throughout the world have been reduced if not completely canceled - again a good thing for the environment. People are advised to stay at home. Some are quarantined. They work less, pay better attention to their health and spend more time with their loved ones. The economy suffers as we shop less, consume less, do less but as a minimalist, I see that as a good thing for the planet. The whole world is on the same side of this war against a common enemy, so wars against nations ease. I don't see a downside for Mother Nature.

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