Monday, 3 June 2024

Writing again

I am back in Greece, on board Eidos,  my sailboat, planning a private memoir writing retreat afloat. At the same time, I have some articles that need to find homes, either in sailing magazines or in another book of short stories. After a break while moving from my home town where I spent the winter, it's back to work at least for a few hours each day.

Monday, 13 May 2024


As we get older the thought of legacy arises. What are we going to be remembered for? So here are some examples: 
• actors, script writers, movie directors, video game programmers, and similar people - for entertaining us and perhaps teaching us something.
• doctors, nurses, first responders, pharmacists, mental health professionals - for keeping us alive and healthy mentally and physically.
• farmers, gardeners, butchers, beverage producers, clothing manufacturers, truck drivers, shopkeepers - for providing us with healthy food, drink and clothes to keep our bodies strong and healthy.
• builders of all sorts - for providing us with shelter, transportation and communication.
• family and friends and sometimes even strangers - for loving us as best as they could, being kind and understanding, giving us hope when we are down.
• teachers, writers, philosophers, journalists, photographers - for keeping our minds active and teaching us new things about the world.
• politicians, activists, protesters - providing us with something to struggle for or against, and thus giving us meaning for our lives.

Everyone has some sort of a purpose in life and leaves a legacy behind whether they like it or not, whether they are even aware of it or not. 
If you want to leave something lasting, perhaps plant a tree and place a bench underneath with a plaque in your name, write a book, paint a picture, compose a song, knit a sweater, sew a dress, hug a child, build a birdhouse. I'm sure,  someone will remember you for it.

Wednesday, 6 March 2024

Memoir of a Childhood in Communist Poland

When I was a child, my parents and my grandmother told me stories of their childhood and youth. I loved to hear those stories in the evening before bed even though some of them were very sad - their experiences during the Second World War. I now regret that I didn't listen more carefully or ask more questions.

I also regret that I didn't do the same thing with my own children. Instead, I read them stories from books of fiction.

It is much more important for children to learn their family history than stories of some fictional characters. I want to correct this now, so the idea of a memoir was born.

Published March, 2024.


Saturday, 9 December 2023

Purpose of life

In her excellent book, The Wonder Paradox the American writer Jennifer Michael Hecht offers a concise summation of what I see as my purpose: ‘Finally . . . you strive to hold up your lamp to light the way. For whom or what? You hold up the lamp for whoever lives from light to light, for whoever needs your help with the darkness."

Friday, 8 December 2023

My home town

The well of the three brothers.

I am spending the winter in my home town, Cieszyn, Poland. My purpose here is to finish a memoir of my childhood. It has been a very long time since I was here, but my neighbourhood, the old town  has changed very little in the past 60 years. The memories are trickling in...
Memoir of My Childhood in Communist Poland will be available on Amazon early in 2024.

Sunday, 1 January 2023

Happy New Year! Don't make resolutions, make plans!

Most of us know that making New Year's resolutions doesn't work. Over the years we vow to exercise, eat better, save more money, work harder, quit smoking. But life happens, holidays end and soon other things take away our attention. I believe that we resist making positive changes because it all sounds so negative and a lot like drudgery: diet, exercise, quit smoking. Who wants drudgery? Life is too short for drudgery. 
So, why not make New Year's promises that are fun, easy to keep and good for us instead? Here is how: First, take five minutes to write down a Bucket List of all the things you would like to experience, buy and accomplish. 
For example: 
Fall in love 
Write a book 
Buy a home 
Retire and Travel 
Sail around the world 
Write everything that comes to mind. Keep adding ideas to this list no matter how unrealistic or crazy. Next, go through your list and at the end of each line add the year in which you want to accomplish that goal.
Like this: 
Fall in love - 2022 
Write a best selling book - 2023 
Buy a home - 2025 
Retire and Travel – 2030 
Sail around the world – 2035 
Soon, you'll realize three things. The first one is that you are having fun. The second one is that you want everything now, this year if not this month. And the third is that you'll start sorting out your priorities. For example if you have a good job now, you might focus on making lots of money first and retire in five/ten/twenty years. Or if you don't have a good job and you love to travel more than anything, you decide to take a year off to CouchSurf and do Workaways. Hey, you might even crew on a sail boat in Greece and meet your soul mate while traveling. Finally, post your list where you can see it every day. 

Your assignment for today: Take five minutes and make your list now. Post it where you can see it.

Sunday, 16 October 2022

Another article published

How to build a boarding ramp is in print in the August issue of Practical Boat Owner magazine. 

Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Don't get it perfect, get it done.

I have dozens if not hundreds first drafts on my laptop and in my notebooks, on scraps of paper, and on my phone. Sometimes I am overwhelmed by the unfinished projects. Other times, I revisit one of them in an attempt to revise and edit, so that hopefully I can send it to a prospective publisher and perhaps find some readers.
What is the problem? It is perfectionism and fear of criticism coupled with the creative impulse that has no limit. The creative force is unlimited. What we must do is now and then, stop and turn our left, logical brain on and say to ourselves, "OK, now I will focus on this one project until it is finished and sent on its way." 
According to Jordan Peterson, anything worth doing is worth doing badly. If only my editor agreed!

Friday, 17 June 2022


We all want to be inspired, especially when we try to write a story, or paint a picture, or compose a song. But what is inspiration? 
The word means to breathe in. Breath gives and sustains life. Without it, we die.
When a baby is born, we wait with expectation  until it takes its first breath, often anxiously holding our own as if there were only so much air available.
Perhaps we need something that takes our breath away to inspire us.
Beauty inspires me. Other people's accomplishments inspire me. Also books and movies. Encouraging comments from my readers inspire me.
Similarily to love, we cannot force inspiration. We can only show up and hope that it will find us.
So, show up at your desk each day and pick up a pen or open your laptop. Inspiration, like love is everywhere, you just need to open your heart and eyes.

Saturday, 11 June 2022

Passarelle Construction article accepted by Practical Boat Owner

I have great news! My Passarelle Construction article has been accepted by Practical Boat Owner magazine. It will feature in the August issue of the magazine. I can't wait to see it in print.

Here is the teaser for you:

"Cruisers who sail in the Mediterranean, need to be prepared for the Med style mooring, either bow or stern to a dock. to make getting on and off the boat easier, many people use special gangways called passerelles. My 32-foot Ted Brewer designed, East Orient is like most offshore sailboats - high bow and stern, which makes them safe at sea, yet more difficult for boarding. After a visit from elderly guests, I became interested in finding a better way of getting on and off my boat than by stepping on the anchor and climbing over the pulpit. I was delighted to see John Chipps building a passerelle on the dock in Lefkada, Greece where both of us were staying for the winter."

Read the entire feature article in the August issue.

Tuesday, 5 April 2022

Anyone can become a published author.

Most people have great stories to tell. Even children. I strongly encourage everyone to write down their own stories or your parents', grandparents' and other family members' stories. They say that history is written by the winners, but with a simple and free program, anyone can be an author. Check out the kdp program and become a published author. 
My latest book is now available both in English and French. 

Saturday, 1 January 2022

Happy New Year!

 Stop Making New Year's Resolutions That Are Sure To Fail -

Do What Works (And Is Fun) Instead

Most of us know that making New Year's resolutions doesn't work. Over the years we vow to exercise, eat better, save more money, work harder, quit smoking. But life happens, holidays end and soon other things take away our attention.

I believe that we resist making positive changes because it all sounds so negative and a lot like drudgery: diet, exercise, quit smoking. Who wants drudgery? Life is too short for drudgery.

So, why not make New Year's promises that are fun, easy to keep and good for us instead? Here is how:

Monday, 6 December 2021

Meet the Author and Book Signing

Thank you to everyone who came to support me in my very first official book signing. It was a great success and I am amazed and grateful at how many books I sold.

Here are a few of the people who bought my books. It was lovely to meet you all!

And thank you to my friend and a new author, Lizzy Bolan who joined me in the book signing. Her new book was selling like hot cakes!

And those of you who missed out, feel free to order your books on Amazon. I will be happy to sign them for you next time I see you!


Tuesday, 2 November 2021

Writers' Group is meeting again

Over the summer, while many of us were sailing, I changed the name of the Lefkas Writers' Group to a more inclusive one, Cruising Writers' Group. The name will remain such, since some of our members keep cruising all year. 

Members and prospective members who will be spending the winter in Lefkas Marina or nearby are welcome to join us once a week on Wednesdays at 11 am at Porto Cafe. Our first meeting will take place on November 3. Those of you who are not nearby, feel free to join us via Facebook Messenger video.

I would also like to thank Lizzy Bolan for her unstinting support in keeping this group going both through lockdown last winter and also over the summer. 

Wednesday, 25 August 2021

How to Write Your Book One Simple Step at a Time is now available on Amazon!


Click here to see more
I am thrilled to report that my latest book is now published and available from Amazon. I would like to thank everyone (you know who you are), who helped with the final edit and proofread to get it to this stage. I hope it does well and would be grateful to any of you who read it to post a review.

How to Write Your Book One Simple Step at a Time is a guide and a workbook. It offers something that I found lacking in the help section for writers, although many books, videos, and podcasts have been published on the subject. They all take too much time to read or watch. Time that could be spent writing. Here, in short, one-page chapters, you will receive prompts that will get you moving toward completing your fiction, memoir, or creative non-fiction book. Read them in order and complete the assignment in each, before moving on to the next one. There is room in the workbook for your assignments and notes.

Here is the first review: 

An excellent, easy-to-follow guide to writing a book. It is well written and very informative; full of lots of helpful tips and advice, encouraging the reader to get writing, and work on their own manuscript. The book provides a structure to keep the reader focused, setting useful assignments in manageable chunks, so that they do not become overwhelmed by the task, and lose interest. Brilliant - a very useful guide and workbook. -- Elizabeth Bolan, author and editor.

And here it is in French, with thanks to my translator, Sophie Richer.