Thursday, 5 September 2019

Example of a cover letter that works

The following cover letter has been my standard for many years, and it has worked with most of the editors that I've sent my work. It is brief, has a hook in the first line, and gives the editor all the information that is needed. 

Sunday, 31 March 2019


I've been struggling recently, trying to edit for the umpteenth time my new book, Crossing Atlantic. I've joined a critique group on Scribophile and I've gone through the first draft once already. I think I need to take a break now and get some perspective before going through another edit. Meanwhile, I will catch up on some articles that I want to send out into the world.
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in his book, Finding Flow, would say that the editing part is not challenging enough and that I am bored.

Monday, 18 March 2019

The routine of writing

What helps you be most productive when it comes to your writing? I know we're all different, but what works for you? 
I get out of bed, put the coffee on, open my laptop, then my Scrivener file, and start typing before my brain wakes up and says, "wouldn't you rather check your email, the weather, or the news?" 

Monday, 11 March 2019

My afternoon run

Now that my broken foot has healed, I started running again. I follow a C25K (couch to 5 Km.) program which begins with a five-minute warm-up, followed by eight one- minute runs alternating with one-minute walks. At the end, there is a five-minute cooldown. Total of about half an hour. I do this every second day.

Wednesday, 6 March 2019


It's spring in Greece. Wild plum blossoms have exploded on the trees on the edge of a lagoon in Aktio. Birds are chirping among the boats in the boatyard, looking for nest sites. Some of the owners have already arrived to prepare their boats for launching. But snow still caps the tops of the mountain peaks to the east and I still turn the heater on early in the morning. Soon, soon, I will stop hibernating and life afloat will begin once again.

Sunday, 17 February 2019

How to organize your work as a freelance writer

 I am a freelance writer. I enjoy my work because it gives me the freedom to write about what interests me, I can work anywhere, and I can work when inspiration calls rather than having to submit something regardless of how I feel. There is a downside to this, of course - if I want to eat, I need to be somewhat disciplined and organized. I need to produce finished copy now and then.
And so the system I developed helps to keep me in line. This is what I do:

Sunday, 10 February 2019

Crossing Atlantic

I just finished the umpteenth draft of the ten chapters of my new book in progress, Crossing Atlantic. Numerous people from my Critique Circle on Scribophile have read it, made comments and pointed out some issues. All along, I tweak and tighten and adjust, so that it's as good as I can make it. For now. I'll be revising again and again and again, I'm sure. 

Monday, 21 January 2019

Great program for writers

If you have problems organizing your writing project, whether it's fiction, non-fiction, screenplay, research paper, or a genealogy tree, take a look at the Gingkoapp
It gives you a method to make your planning and organizing easy by a set of online index cards in a tree formation, that can be expanded, moved around and dragged. I can think of a hundred uses for this program.

Another person bought my book

Someone recently bought a copy of my book, Salt Water In My Veins. Thank you! Whoever you are, you made my day. I hope you enjoy it and feel like posting a review. If you're nearby, I'd be happy to sign it for you.

Sunday, 20 January 2019

Salt Water In My Veins: Chapter 3: From a dream to a nightmare

"I have been the owner of my 'dream boat' for two weeks now and the relationship has already become like a stale affair..."
This is the beginning of my story about buying a sailboat.
Become my patron on Patreon and listen to the podcast of a chapter from my book, Salt Water In My Veins.

Saturday, 19 January 2019

Rainy day. Good time to write

Today it's raining, so I am editing the third chapter of my next book, Crossing The Ocean.
I joined Scribophile, an online memoir writing group and each week we submit 3,000 words to be critiqued.
Each week I critique five chapters written by my cohorts and receive five critiques from them. 
It's a good way to stay disciplined and I see much progress.

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

The Beach

Pebbles, shining like gems,
on the beach.
Seashells, crunching like crackers,
under my feet. 
I pick up a broken crab shell
 and wonder what happened.

Sunday, 13 January 2019

And the winning title is: Two Against The Atlantic

So, the deadline passed for the vote on a new title for my story about two people who don't get along on a small sailboat, sailing across the Atlantic. 
There were more than 300 entries, some funny, some strange and some actually quite good. People sent in ideas on Facebook, by messenger, WhatsApp and by text. I chose eight that expressed the essence of the story the best and put them up for a vote. I then asked people to vote on my blog. Sadly, there was only one voter who showed up and she voted for one of the titles that happily I also like. 
And so, the winning title is (drum roll): 
Two Against The Atlantic
Thank you Kayla Cummings for voting and the person who chose this title, feel free to send me a comment on my blog to claim your prize.

Thursday, 10 January 2019

Finalists in the 'Atlantic Crossing' Title Contest

Thank you to all who participated with title ideas to my Atlantic Crossing story. Here are the finalists - my favourites. 
I had been hoping there would be more ideas with the word 'Atlantic' included, but it was a fun project and some good laughs. 
You may vote for your favourite by leaving a comment. The deadline is this Sunday at noon, GMT. The finalists will receive an early link to the first 3,000 words of the story on Monday. The winner will receive an early link to the complete third draft once it's finished approximately at the end of February. Thank you again for participating and keep checking this page for updates.
  1. Stormy Waters
  2. Troubled Waters
  3. Perilous Crossing
  4. Rough Crossing
  5. Rough Waters
  6. Two Against The Atlantic
  7. Under The Atlantic Sky
  8. Against The Wind

Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Help Me With Ideas For A Title To My Atlantic Crossing Story

 I've been editing a chapter for my next book about my ex-boyfriend and I crossing the Atlantic on board Eidos, my 32-foot sailboat. The boat is new to me, recently purchased, under-equipped for the voyage ahead, yet in good condition for its 24 years. I have offshore experience but James doesn't. He only comes to crew for me to add another "done it," to his list of adventures.
I need a catchy title and hoping for some ideas. Thank you.