Wednesday 1 April 2020

Writing prompt: 300 words starting with, "I blame the quarantine."

This is not my idea, it belongs to Dr. Karen Boren a professor at Rhode Island College. Check the link to send your entry in. 

Here is mine: 
I blame the quarantine for getting me to write again.
It has been a long time, over six months since I've opened the Scribner project file for my second book, Atlantic Crossing. I was having an extended writer's block. It started soon after I had my writing group read it and make comments. It was much too soon. Stephen King said that he writes the first draft with the door closed and the second with it open. Even then, it is only his wife that gets to comment on it. I better remember this advice in the future.
There are other reasons why I didn't write for so long. I live on my sailboat in Greece. In spring I have many boat maintenance projects to tackle. With a helper to assist, we clean, sand, varnish, and paint leaving the writing simmering on the back burner of my mind.
In summer it gets even harder to get any work on my book done, because there are so many other, more fun things to do, such as suntanning, swimming, and hanging out in a cafe with friends.
I promise myself to write in the fall and winter when the weather deteriorates and I spend more time inside my boat. But this past winter, I fought and lost this promise, and instead played on my new keyboard, read, cooked, napped and of course, browsed the Internet.
In mid-March, Greece went into lockdown due to the Coronavirus and for the first two weeks, I followed the developments online. But now, I see that this will be a long quarantine and so have accepted the inevitable lost summer of sailing. After reading that Shakespeare wrote King Lear during the plague, I have finally set up a schedule to work on my soon to be a bestseller.
I blame it on the quarantine.

Tuesday 31 March 2020

Be More Productive In 7 Days, by Phyllis Korkki

While we are all under lockdown due to the Coronavirus, I'm trying to get a few things done instead of spending most of the day browsing the Internet. However, while browsing last night, I found an article in The New York Times, "Be More Productive In 7 days," by Phyllis Korkki. Perfect! I love learning new things. 

The form of the article is simple: 

Day 1: Commit to 10 minutes. 
It means setting a timer for 5 minutes to work, then one-minute rest followed by another 5 minutes of work. That's easy, I said to myself. I've been wanting to finish this book I started a couple of years ago and keep postponing. But I can do something for 10 minutes even if all I get done is open the Scrivener project file. And what do you know? I actually went through several sections of chapter 8 that I've been stuck on. 
Once the timer goes off marking the end of the work, you're supposed to stop and so I patted myself on the back for getting through my writer's block. Interestingly enough, on another app I've been exploring, I received a quote by Confucius, "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you don't stop." Very fitting. I signed up for reminders to the productivity plan and this morning received a message from Phyllis with day two assignment. 

Day 2: Make a Realistic To-Do List. 
This means a specific list with fewer than 12 short tasks that can be accomplished in 10 minutes and each with a visible result. I'm using Google Tasks and Calendar for reminders, of things to do so I went through the list for today and adjusted the items to be shorter and more specific. I am happy to report that I completed most of them. 

Day 3: Connect Your Body and Mind. 
This is about posture and how good posture and deep breathing encourages good productivity while at one's desk. Also, the need to take regular breaks. Dr. Korkki recommends working for 10-20 minutes and then taking a physical break to stand up or walk around before resuming work. I do slouch while writing on my laptop and bend my head down to see the screen. Not a good idea but I'm not sure how to correct that except to work at a stand-up desk. Perhaps I'll put the laptop on the top companionway step... not easy to type this way. But taking a regular break is an idea I will definitely adopt. 

Day 4: Rise Above the Noise. 
This one is not as easy as it sounds. It involves turning off all distractions such as email, Facebook, news updates, phone, walk-ins, and so on. The best way to deal with those is to check them on your schedule, not when something pings. Dr. Korkki suggests every hour, but I think I can manage three times a day. The rest of the time, I am free to get some work done. Of course, as per assignment for day 1, all I need to do is 10 minutes of work per day. 😇 

Day 5: Find a Partner. 
This is not so easy. I've never had success with accountability partners. They either flake out or couldn't care less if I get things done as they're too busy living their life. Dr. Korkki also suggests posting one's measurable, specific goal with a deadline of today or tomorrow on social media and then posting once it's done. I've been doing this with my runs on Strava but there isn't anything like it for writers. I need an accountability partner who is a writer. Now, which goal should I choose for this assignment? Finish my book! 

Day 6: Extend Your Focus. 
This assignment is about working on a bigger project and focusing on a single task for two hours with two or three unscheduled breaks if necessary. The purpose is to focus on working longer but not worrying about quality, just quantity. Many of us are perfectionists and get blocked because we worry about not getting it right. "Focus on quantity and let God worry about quality." It is hoped that you will reach the state of flow where you lose track of time and accomplish much more than you expect. 

Day 7: Look to the Future. 
This is about just looking over the past week and seeing how you did. What worked and what didn't. What have you learned and did you notice the benefits of following the assignment's suggestions? Write down three new things you did this week that could potentially be carried over into new and permanent habits over time. Place the list on your desk in view, so that it could help you get you back on track next time your mind starts to stray from your work. Ok, so I set up a timer for 5, 10, and 15 minutes to get my scheduled projects done. I wrote an app to keep me writing regularly, recorded a video of me playing piano for a talent show, and asked a friend to be my cheerleader. 

All good. A worthwhile set of assignments to become more productive. 

By the way, Phyllis Korkki is the author of The Big Thing: How to Complete Your Creative Project Even if You're a Lazy, Self-Doubting Procrastinator Like Me. 

Can't wait to read it AFTER I finish my own book!

C25K for writers

I've been running for over a year now using C25K (couch to 5km) app to motivate and encourage me. The first week I used it, it told me to run/walk three times a week, with more walking and less running. It beeped at me to change from one to the other. During the following 8 weeks, the app told me to progressively run more and walk less until, by the end of the program, I was able to run the entire 30 minutes. I have graduated now to the next app, the C2 10K and have developed the habit of getting out and doing my run every second day. 

I am also using another app to motivate me. It is called Strava and it maps my route as well as gives me the distance I've covered, my pace and the time I've been training. I can post photos and there is an online community of people who can give me kudos. There are milestones I can sign up for and achievements for which I get a virtual medal.
Together with Spotify for music, I am all set. 
I feel lost if I am not able to run due to weather or some other factor. I have developed a healthy habit.

I want the same thing for my writing. I want an app that reminds me to write for 30 minutes every day, with breaks after 10 minutes of work, increasing my goal each week. I want an app that will track my word count and a community that gives me kudos for each page, scene, chapter I finish. I want assistance in developing the habit of writing and editing
I use Scribner to organize my manuscripts and there is a project as well as session target function that I can set up but that's not enough to get me into the habit of sitting down for a set time to write. I want a C25K/Strava combination for writers.

I have now set up a reminder on my calendar to work on one small part of the book each day: a specific, achievable goal and then set the timer for 10 minutes. At the moment, 10 minutes is all I can do, but plan on increasing it every week. I've approached a friend who is also a writer and with whom I hope to exchange our successes of words written and editing done. This plan has worked, but I prefer the verbal cues of the C25K rather than the beeps. So, I've recorded a similar voice message with encouragements and reminders and count down.

Friday 20 March 2020

Coronavirus benefits the planet.

The year 2020 will be known for the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic throughout the world. It was discovered first in China and then spread to Europe, the Middle East, and North America, soon followed by the rest of the planet.
Perhaps it is Mother Nature's attempt to save herself from human exploitation and damage. Already, by mid-March, pollution has decreased, especially in China. The water in the canals of Venice is crystal clear. Flights throughout the world have been reduced if not completely canceled - again a good thing for the environment. People are advised to stay at home. Some are quarantined. They work less, pay better attention to their health and spend more time with their loved ones. The economy suffers as we shop less, consume less, do less but as a minimalist, I see that as a good thing for the planet. The whole world is on the same side of this war against a common enemy, so wars against nations ease. I don't see a downside for Mother Nature.

Sunday 29 September 2019

Leave a legacy

After you've finished working and raising your children, comes longed for retirement. No more early morning commute, no more snarky boss. You can do whatever you choose. So, you sleep-in, spend the whole morning eating breakfast and reading the paper. Then perhaps go out, shop and meet friends for lunch. Afternoon nap takes care of an hour or three. Soon, the sun is going down and it's dinner time and then a bit of TV or a Netflix movie before sleep.
Is this how you want to spend the rest of your life?
Perhaps while it's a novelty, you do. Later, and if you have the extra means, you decide to travel or check off your bucket list. You catch up visiting family and friends. And then what? Perhaps you decide to sell your big house and buy a condo in a 50+ building. Reduce your footprint before you turn to dust. And then what? What will people remember about you? What will you leave behind?
If this is important, perhaps you need to think about leaving a legacy. Not just money that's left after you're done with your bucket list and after you've sold your house and given away the extra furniture you no longer need. By legacy, I mean something more.
When I think of my ancestors, I am disappointed at the legacy they left. My grandfather on my mother's side, left a small house and garden in the country when he died of lung cancer. His first wife died young in the war. His second wife raised children. I don't know anything else about them - my mother rarely spoke of that time.
My grandfather on my father's side died in a concentration camp for his involvement in the Polish rebellion. My grandmother lived a quiet life and besides some hand made dried flower pictures, didn't leave much. What the war didn't destroy, she left behind when she moved to Canada with my parents. In Canada, she helped my aunt with housework and watched T.V. in the evenings.
My parents similarly didn't leave much. My mother, a few knit sweaters (she was a wonderful knitter) and my father a book of quotes that he gathered and that was full of hate and anger at the world. My sister and I threw it out as soon as he passed on. They left a condominium and some furniture behind but nothing really meaningful that changed the world in some way. Sad.
On the other hand, I look at the world and people I admire and wonder what some of them had contributed. Politicians, philanthropists, business people, doctors, judges, movie stars, sporting heroes. Some of those contributions had a negative impact on the world as well as a positive one: Einstein for example, who invented the atom bomb. Or Marie Curie-Sklodowska who studied radium. Or Nobel who invented dynamite.
So, is it better to live quietly and go gently into the night leaving as little as possible behind? Or is it better to go out with a bang and change the world, be remembered, have a statue built or a monument to remind the world of your passing through this world?
And what is worthy of leaving behind? A tree planted? A Mona Lisa? A musical score of Joy to the world? War and Peace? Yes. Yes. Yes.
Do not go gently into the night,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
And leave something behind.
Whatever you love to do, do it well and pass it on. If you are a good cook, leave a book of your recipes. If you are handy with tools, leave a birdhouse or a coffee table you have built. If you are a knitter, give away scarves and hats and write down the patterns.
And so, as I fill in the blanks in my daily journal that sits open on the table, daily thicker on the left and thinner on the right, I ponder how I can contribute in a meaningful way knowing by now that I am no Leonardo, Beethoven or Tolstoy. Through my writing, I hope to inspire others to also stretch their imagination and do something, anything well.
Ralph Waldo Emerson said: "The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you lived and lived well." -  Did I contribute something meaningful? How can I use my gifts and talents and the things I love to do, to improve the world and lives of others?
Leave a legacy.

Sunday 15 September 2019

Writers' Group in Lefkas, Greece

I've decided to organize a Writer's Group in Lefkas this winter, beginning in November. The group will initially meet at Porto Cafe at the Lefkas Marina. Day and time still to be announced. If this doesn't work, we can also meet onboard my sailboat, Eidos which will be docked at the marina. Everyone is welcome, whether you've been writing for years or just beginning. The group will be free to join - you only need to buy a coffee at Porto as a thank you for hosting us. Click on Writers' Group for more information.

Atlantic Crossing - update

It looks like my second book, Atlantic Crossing is finally heading for the finish line. I'm halfway through this present edit, and not having to change much anymore. 
I've had a number of people from Scribophile critique most of the chapters over these past few months and one friend has read the entire manuscript in one go. I am planning to send it to two or three additional beta readers before finally sending it to a professional editor. If I can find a publisher, I will go that route, otherwise, I'll self publish as with my first book, Salt Water In My Veins.

Thursday 5 September 2019

Example of a cover letter that works

The following cover letter has been my standard for many years, and it has worked with most of the editors that I've sent my work. It is brief, has a hook in the first line, and gives the editor all the information that is needed. 

Sunday 31 March 2019


I've been struggling recently, trying to edit for the umpteenth time my new book, Crossing Atlantic. I've joined a critique group on Scribophile and I've gone through the first draft once already. I think I need to take a break now and get some perspective before going through another edit. Meanwhile, I will catch up on some articles that I want to send out into the world.
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in his book, Finding Flow, would say that the editing part is not challenging enough and that I am bored.

Monday 18 March 2019

The routine of writing

What helps you be most productive when it comes to your writing? I know we're all different, but what works for you? 
I get out of bed, put the coffee on, open my laptop, then my Scrivener file, and start typing before my brain wakes up and says, "wouldn't you rather check your email, the weather, or the news?" 

Monday 11 March 2019

My afternoon run

Now that my broken foot has healed, I started running again. I follow a C25K (couch to 5 Km.) program which begins with a five-minute warm-up, followed by eight one- minute runs alternating with one-minute walks. At the end, there is a five-minute cooldown. Total of about half an hour. I do this every second day.

Wednesday 6 March 2019


It's spring in Greece. Wild plum blossoms have exploded on the trees on the edge of a lagoon in Aktio. Birds are chirping among the boats in the boatyard, looking for nest sites. Some of the owners have already arrived to prepare their boats for launching. But snow still caps the tops of the mountain peaks to the east and I still turn the heater on early in the morning. Soon, soon, I will stop hibernating and life afloat will begin once again.

Sunday 17 February 2019

How to organize your work as a freelance writer

 I am a freelance writer. I enjoy my work because it gives me the freedom to write about what interests me, I can work anywhere, and I can work when inspiration calls rather than having to submit something regardless of how I feel. There is a downside to this, of course - if I want to eat, I need to be somewhat disciplined and organized. I need to produce finished copy now and then.
And so the system I developed helps to keep me in line. This is what I do:

Sunday 10 February 2019

Crossing Atlantic

I just finished the umpteenth draft of the ten chapters of my new book in progress, Crossing Atlantic. Numerous people from my Critique Circle on Scribophile have read it, made comments and pointed out some issues. All along, I tweak and tighten and adjust, so that it's as good as I can make it. For now. I'll be revising again and again and again, I'm sure.